Conditions Treated

Dr Neela is a fully qualified Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon, and enjoys treating skin cancers and general reconstructive problems.
This includes the management of acute and chronic wounds; injuries and scarring involving the face, ear and other parts of the body; correction of prominent ears or split earlobes; brow and eyelid aging leading to visual field loss; and breast and abdominal procedures where a Medicare item number applies.
Dr Neela does not currently perform aesthetic (cosmetic) procedures where a Medicare item number does not apply, such as breast augmentation, aesthetic liposuction or face lift surgery. She also does not undertake revisional breast surgery such as removal of breast implants.
Please contact us and speak to the secretaries if you have any questions.
Skin Cancer Management

Dr Neela believes that everyone should have access to high quality care with regards to their skin. She takes a comprehensive approach to skin cancer management, placing equal priority on both treating the cancer and maximising the cosmetic outcomes.
Skin cancers are commonly diagnosed in Australia. Due to the sun, our temperate climate which means we can be outdoors for much of the year, and the Australian fondness for outdoor pursuits, skin cancers are much more common in Australia than in other parts of the world. Many older people did not grow up with sun safety messages, and so carry a lifetime of sun damage to their skin.
Skin cancers, most commonly, fall into the categories of basal cell carcinoma (BCC), squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) and melanoma.
Basal cell carcinoma and squamous cell carcinoma, if diagnosed early and treated appropriately, rarely cause long-term issues. Melanomas are likewise best treated early and comprehensively.
Firstly, cancers should be diagnosed early and treated appropriately, but with utmost attention paid to the cosmetic outcomes, especially where skin cancers occur on the face or other exposed parts of the body. While it is important to remove the whole cancer, in expert hands this can be done with a minimum of scarring, or scarring which is hidden and disguised by a patient’s normal features as much as possible, or the use of complex reconstructions to restore normal anatomy.
Secondly, patients, especially those who have already had one skin cancer removed, should have access to high quality skin checks regularly. The best way to minimise scarring and prevent spread or complications is to catch skin cancers early. Skin checks should include biopsies where there is any suspicion.
Dr Neela provides a high quality comprehensive skin cancer service, which includes biopsies, treatment of suitable skin cancers with creams, and appropriate surgical care.
Dr Neela also understands that skin cancers can appear unexpectedly, and their management can be a financial imposition when patients least expect it. For this reason, she applies the same ethical fee structure to the management of skin cancers. Many skin cancers can be removed in the rooms, rather than in hospital, and her fees reflect only the cost of the materials and facilities.