Dr Neela is a fully qualified Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon with special expertise in management of Hand and Wrist conditions
Plastic Surgery is an ancient art, aiming to “restore, rebuild, and make whole those parts which nature hath given, but which fortune has taken away”
Conditions TreatedHand Surgery is a relatively new craft, which recognises the hand and upper limb as an organ in its own right, with complex structures that need to work in harmony for the whole limb to function.
Conditions TreatedCommon Conditions, Special Expertise
Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon
Hand and Wrist Surgeon
Dr Neela is an Australian trained surgeon who has undertaken additional international training in globally recognised centres of excellence. She is a recognised leader in her field and is the current Director of Plastic, Reconstructive and Hand Surgery at Eastern Health and an examiner in Plastic, Reconstructive and Hand Surgery for the Royal Australasian College of Surgeon.
She prides herself on attention to detail, meticulous care and exacting outcomes. She places upmost importance on treating patients with kindness and fairness. This includes giving patients the time, attention and care they need to understand their problems, diagnoses, goals and options, and offering care which is expert and accessible.
Dr Neela is available for private consultation in Box Hill and Mornington, and operates privately at Epworth Eastern, Beleura Hospital and The Bays Hospital.
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A fully qualified Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeon with special expertise in management of Hand and Wrist conditions
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